Are you wondering what your future holds? Or are you a parent who is concerned that your son or daughter has few career ideas and therefore may not be achieving their full potential?
A full in depth Careers Guidance Interview can help to identify strengths, suggest different career ideas and help with planning next steps.
The Morrisby Psychometric Assessment is especially useful for those who do not really have any career ideas, as it identifies personal strengths and aptitudes and suggests careers based on the individual's personal profile.
CV and Job seeking support can make a huge difference to the chances of gaining employment.
Careers Guidance Interviews and Morrisby can take place throughout the South West of England at a mutually convenient venue.
CV and job seeking support, as well as Morrisby on-line, can take place nationally through telephone, e-mail and Skype.
Why Dart Careers?
Our approach to Careers Guidance is to focus on the individual and their needs, through actively listening to ideas, thoughts and concerns and by working together to move forward, by developing relevant new ideas and plans.
Clients are helped by developing higher levels of self-awareness, more knowledge of decision making strategies, greater awareness of potential future career areas and routes, as well as increased confidence in their own abilities.
Jackie Ellis from Dart Careers is a fully qualified, registered Careers Guidance Professional, with over 20 years experience as a Careers Adviser.
Find outmore about Jackie's Qualifications | Areas of Expertise | Experience | Personal Qualities
Careers Guidance Interviews: £50
A one to one in depth comprehensive Careers Interview . This usually takes around an hour and includes production of a detailed Careers Plan.
Morrisby On-line Assessment and Careers Interview: £85
The test takes about an hour and a half and can be completed at home. The results are fed back in a subsequent face to face or on-line Careers Interview. Includes a detailed Careers Plan
CV writing and job seeking support: £75
Help and support with producing a modern and effective CV. This can be producing a CV from scratch or updating an existing one. This includes an initial face to face meeting (or it is possible by e-mail/phone) and the production of a first draft of the CV, along with advice and support on implementing effective job-seeking strategies. (Further meetings can then of course be arranged as required)
Career Boost Service to access employment: £195
This involves the Morrisby assessment, followed by a full Careers Guidance Interview and then a further full interview for support with CV writing, job applications and general job seeking skills, with subsequent e-mail support, for up to 3 weeks